As you can see, the Elsa X² Erazor DDR card usually outperforms the Creative SDR card by about the same margin as the SDR board outruns the TNT2. There are instances where the SDR card is as fast or faster than the DDR Ram equipped Elsa, particularly in Falcon 4.0. If simulations are all you play, and when the extra cost of a DDR GeForce card is considered, an SDR GeForce or TNT2 card may serve you better for now. It should be noted that the Elsa GeForce DDR card performed noticeably better than the other two cards in non simulation type games, especially Quake3 and Unreal Tournament, so if you play first person shooter games as well as simulations, and don't mind spending some extra cash, the Elsa is among the best video cards available. We had no problems whatsoever with this card.
The average observed price for the Elsa card online is $293, and this is on-par with most of the other GeForce DDR manufacturers prices. Since it appears from Elsa's website that the REVELATOR glasses are only compatible with their own GeForce boards and select TNT2 cards, if you are thinking of trying out these LCD glasses then the X² Erazor is probably your best bet. Although the Elsa does not win a Top Pick award due to brining nothing new other than 3D glasses to the table, we can firmly state that if you are considering buying a GeForce DDR video card, the Elsa X² Erazor should definitely be one of the cards you consider.
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