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Gateway: Gamer's Nightmare
by Joseph Greppo

The following is a true story. The facts have not been altered to protect the guilty. If you have the stomach, grab your box of kleenex and read on...


I decided I was fed up with the usual "upgrade this, patch that, get driver for this" routine. We all go through it. I had had it with my older system that went from 166 to 200 mhz. I had a hapless 2.5 gig drive, integrated sound and video. That was three years ago.

Then I saw an article at COMBATSIM.COM™, another piece on gaming systems. The PERFORMANCE 500 had just come out. I thought..."Hmmm, this could be it."

I began seeing the commercials everyone else was seeing at the time, so I went to a Gateway store. I looked around and didn't have to look very hard. If you have ever been to one of these Barns you'll know exactly what I am talking about..... You know, from the outside you see the familiar black and white cattle spots?

The Bull is In

I walked in and just to my left was the PERFORMANCE 500 with its Boston Acoustics Media Theatre Speaker system. This is a great speaker system, so it made an impression. Sadly.... it's the only thing GATEWAY did right.

I am Mr. Consumer. I wear a sign that says, "Lie to me." I walked in and their policy is not to disrupt the potential buyer. Give them time to look, and let them ask the sales person for guidance once they have a question.

I will call this salesman Johnny Smooth. Yes, we have all been down that road too. Bear in mind I am fed up with pulling teeth out of my aging system. I am tired of rebuilding and if I am going to buy something resonably decent it might as well be SNAKEWAY. They slithered their way into my pocket; I must have been nuts. It must have been all that Charm in the barn.

For some reason I didn't smell the bull. Not yet anyway. Johnny Smooth asked me, "Can I Help you"? Now about this time I was reading a short about GATEWAY and sales, something to the effect of ... "We'll never ask until you do."

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In otherwords they are supposed to leave you alone until you have a question that starts them off on a rant. Okay, I smiled and overlooked it. "Yes Mr.Johnny, you suuuure can. I am looking for a fast Machine, one that is easily upgradeable."

Have It Your Way?

"I want it in a full tower, I want a good sound system for my simulators and I want it now." You should have seen Johnny's face. Big smile, big grin and not much of a speech for him today. I was ready to buy.

I was in a hurry and had to have the latest and the greatest. The purchase was made on 4/3/99. Johnny was a happy man. I bought their premier system; it came with PC 100 SDRAM, all 128 Megs.

  • Full tower add 50 bucks 13.5 gig HD
  • VX900 19 inch Monitor
  • OEM STB 16MB Video
  • ***64D Legacy sound***
  • 56k Modem
  • keyboard, WIN98
  • Software bundle EXTRA. I refused it and lo and behold they sent it anyway.

One year of free Snakeway Internet service was included, and the standard service plan. Oh, and Boston Acoustics OEM Media Theatre Sound - speakers and subwoofer. But add $115 for that option.

I lay out my money. Sub total 2703.00, shipping 95.00. "Don't you have them here?" I asked.

Johnny Smooth said, "Oh nooooooo they come from the factory. These are just displays."

Go to Part II: The Nightmare Begins


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Last Updated August 23rd, 1999

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