The Virtual Thunderbirds of Falcon4.0
by Su27 Angie |
In order to become proficient at precision formation flying you need discipline, planning, communication, practice and an artistic eye for aerial ballet. Typically what I do is first practice chasing AI planes around, whether they are enemy migs or friendlies. You can see in the picture below where my T'bird is forming on the wing of a Mig29. I guess you could consider me one of the famous Mig Insulters. The tricky part is sneaking up to them without first getting blown away.
![]() The online pictures you see that are from the ship's exterior (like the 2 ships trailing smoke), are ones I took from outside the cockpit. This should give you an idea of the complexity that goes into making these screen shots. I regularly use the pictures on my website and as my Win95 background. The PRINTSCREEN key acts as an in game screen capture. You then can convert this RAW format into any other format you wish using Paint Shop Pro or whatever you can get your hands on.
![]() T bird pulling Gs ![]() Sun Glare I dont think the real T'birds use this as a learning tool, but radar really helps! Once you lock up the ship you're following your radar and HUD should display the relative speeds, which makes following easier. |
![]() Once you're within a plane's length pick out a visual reference point. Line up the wingie's wing tip relative to your HUD, instrument cowl or your wing tip. Then try to keep that distance constant. Obviously, if the wingie/leader flies straight, level and at a constant speed your job will be much easier. The fun begins when your wingie is turning. This is the point where formation flying and dogfighting skills merge. To sum it all up, virtual precision formation flying is both fun and challenging. Falcon 4.0 provides all you need to get the job done, and looking pretty. It's my opinion that by practicing your formation skills to an art form, you are at the same time honing in your close quarters dogfighting capabilities. This holds true whether it be jets, props or rotors that you are flying.
![]() Formation in Combat The ability to stay in the "saddle" or "elbow" or "guns position" is directly related to your ability to fly with precision and patience. It's my hope that this article will incite many of you out there to fall in love with formation flying as I have, and perhaps even create virtual precision flying squadrons in honor of those that we inspire to immitate. At least we can all have "fun fun fun 'till daddy takes the T'bird away" (Beach Boys). Join a discussion forum on this article by clicking HERE.
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