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B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th
Redefines Air Combat Simulations As We Know Them

by Joe "Impaler" Highman

Fire Bad!

The Ball Turret gunner reported that the bombs hit the easternmost docks and sank one cargo ship. Obviously, our navigator had misjudged the wind drift as the point of impact differed widely from the synchronized sight picture. Oh, well, I thought ashamedly, a mission is a mission, right?


Just as we turned to depart France for the trip home, a small barrage of flak decided to take some practice shots at us. Surely we were too high for these rookie gunners. Suddenly, the glass on the left side of the cockpit imploded, and the copilot and I were showered in hot shards of Plexiglas. Fortunately, our flight engineer was quite well versed in first aid, and we quickly regained our composure for the trip home.

Trouble on deck!

Days seemed to pass before we were once again over UK soil. My copilot collapsed from loss of blood from the flak injuries and had to be removed to the nose compartment for treatment. Landing a damaged behemoth is never an easy task, but luckily, my copilot revived enough to get our bird back on the ground.

Shortly after completing the post-mission reports, a jeep sped my crew and me to debriefing. We recounted our tales for the fortunate S2 Intelligence officer who would never know first hand what we have to do here. The mission debrief was built on our overall mission performance and we soon learned that the mission was not nearly as successful as we would have hoped.

Hmm... stupid crosswind!

We will have to get more training flights in apparently.

The Debriefing summary. Not as good as I would like

Back in my office at 534th BS headquarters, the mailbox was filled with progress reports and news of the attack on Brest Harbor. Two officers were earmarked to receive the Purple Heart decoration for wounds received in combat action.

Attention to Orders!

The rest of the crew went about the business of hustling the rookie crews out of their new equipment or just plain scaring the pants off the newbies. I laid down on an infirmary bed and tried to recall the faces of men that I had known, and all I saw was a singular gray blur. I could not see their faces any longer.

Overall impressions
I have hoped to give you a different view into this wonderful title beyond the typical review of features and promises.

If you still have someone on your last-minute holiday shopping list, then you would be doing him or her the good deed of the century if you were to purchase him or her this title. If you do not already own this game, and you consider yourself a fan of strategy-intensive simulations and dazzling eye-candy, then you absolutely must run right out and put your cash on the table and get it. This title redefines the entire genre.

B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th is the finest flight simulation on the market today, and when coupled with the powerful crew management options, no other title can compare in terms of depth and replayability. I openly challenge anyone to fly a complete 25-mission tour of duty with its original crew. And I wish you luck. You are in for one heck of a ride!

B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty Eighth

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