(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/10/b17vik)

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Page 9

Final Approach - B17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty Eighth
By Len "Viking1" Hjalmarson

Damage Modeling

Damage modeling is dynamic, and if you set damage detail to high the level of detail in the simulation is stunning. Wayward developed a unique twin-skinned model to allow them to create aircraft that look like the real thing when struck or punctured by shells. When flak or cannon score a hit ragged holes appear through which you can see the landscape or clouds.

In the images above I fired two short bursts from the waist gun. You can see the sky through the tail of the Fortress flying off my port wing. We don't know who was in the top turret in this next shot, but you can see the effects of his gunnery.

Tail Ventilation is extreme

Obviously, damage in an aircraft with a virtual crew requires more than merely graphical modeling. Extensive motion capture has been used, and voice acting is quite good. The cry from an injured crewman will raise the tension and the challenge.

These pilots will fly no more

Crew View

If your Fort takes serious damage and you have to make a forced landing, your angle and speed on touching the ground will determine the result.

Easing Down

Mired in the Mud

The Dynamic Campaign
There are two approaches to campaign dynamics that work well. The first is a well designed branching structure with a persistent environment and resource modeling.

The second, and still the ideal in the minds of many, is a fully dynamic campaign system. In the dynamic campaign, events are determined by an interaction of the player's choices and the environment. The environment persists from mission to mission, and there is a logical flow of events. Furthermore, there is a higher degree of randomness in well designed campaign. Missions do not play out the same each time. Fighter positions and strength will vary with each campaign. Weather will also vary.

Naturally, B17 has some additional factors that further add to the dynamics. Your crew! These guys, like the real thing, are not entirely predictable. They can panic, get tired, and get hit by hot lead! Morale is a large factor in performance, and that will be partly determined by your response as a leader. The ability of the crew to grow in ability over successive missions adds yet another variable.

When can you play? The UK release will likely occur in late November. The US release is planned for January, 2001.

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(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/10/b17vik)