Mission BriefsPage 3
SDOE Mission Making Tutorial - Part 2
by Scott Verge
Most people put in a little blurb here. If you're not motivated to write a novel here then dont, but at least explain the basics of what the players should do. Try to write your briefing so it reads like real military orders---it's a nice touch that'll add a little extra atmosphere.Step 7
Other people will go for the novel-length approach, which can be really cool if done right. All I can really say is that a well-written mission brief adds depth and gets players into the mood to fly. Try to be inventive and make it fit the period you are working with. One warning about this part: Please try to keep the Germanized English (some call it Germlish) to a minimum. I personally find it extremely annoying to have to decipher a Germlished mission brief and Im pretty sure others feel the same way. In addition to annoying players, you run the risk of confusing the them too. So keep your mission briefs clear and to the point. If you really want to go the extra mile, make a reference to an event that really happened during the war or describe why you designed the mission the way you did.
(If you are joining us late and missed Part 1, Steps 1-6 click HERE)
Let's open simple6.mis and get to work on finishing it off. First thing we are going to do is put in some mission briefs. This mission isnt too complicated but a little imagination can add enjoyment of the game.
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