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SDOE Mission Making Tutorial - Part 1
by Scott Verge

Mission Editor Basics

The mission editor is quite easy to use when you just want to get a couple planes in the air quickly. It can be quite complicated with a finely-tuned and balanced mission like we all want, so I'll start with the basics.

The plan is to make a simple mission to get you used to the editor. We will do it step-by-step with lots of testing. I have included my mission so you can download and look at it in detail. This will allow you to follow my footsteps for your mission creation.

The plan is to get two Lancasters to take off from Eastbourne air base and bomb the town of La Touquet across the channel. We will set up a Flak Panzer to defend the town and a klaxon to add some effect. Then add some P51's to take out the flak to clear the way for the Lanc's, and then to take on a CAP role against some German Bf-109 fighters we will add.

Step 1
Select New and pick a map to start. We shall use Dover for now. To save yourself some time, open my Dover map that has the France side of the map already set as Axis. I have included an extra version of each map in the mission zip just for this purpose.

Select New Squadron and place them on the Eastbourne air base. Make them 2 Lanc's (I tried first with a 2 Mossies and they started to barrel roll before bombing which resulted in a real mess. That is why we do test runs. Set the 2 Lanc's to 28 500 pounders. Give them 1000 Lbs. of fuel. Check the Mission objective box and set it to 100% (which of course means the Axis will have to take them both out to get a mission won message). You can set the squad and formations here too. Close the Properties window.

We are setting the Lanc's up for a bombing run across the channel. Right-click on their icon and pick waypoints. Leave Waypoint Control alone and set Start Point to Airfield > Eastbourne Air Base.

Select the New Waypoint button to the right of the little airplane and layout a course across the channel similar to the one below. Right-click and hit cancel when youre done.

Dont worry to much about accuracy at first, you can move them after

Small point about waypoints is in need here. The waypoints dont act like you would think they would. To me a plane should be working toward being at the altitude and speed you set for the next waypoint, but they dont work that way. Think of them more as act like this for the next 2 miles-points.


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