Daily News
by Gail Helmer
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Part Two of Oleg Maddox Interview
The Official IL-2 Sturmovik website continues with part two of their exclusive interview with Oleg Maddox. They talk about his experiences developing the game, and some of his hopes for the future. He also gives advice to both experienced and novice pilots who plan on flying in the Eastern theatre in IL-2 Sturmovik. Click here
Aces High V.1.08 Released
HiTech Creations has announced that Aces High version 1.08 is now available for download. Changes in Aces High Version 1.08 include: Automated trains, truck convoys, roads, tracks, supply points, and a resupply system. Supplies can now be dropped on a field to repair the field or shorten the downtime. The C-47, M-3, and LVT-2 have this capability. Field supplies will repair or shorten the downtime of all objects within 1 mile of where it is deployed. It cannot be used to repair enemy owned objects or objects from the field it originated from.
A second supply type has been added to repair and resupply vehicles with ammo. Vehicle supplies will repair and rearm friendly vehicles when dropped within a half mile of a vehicle. When a vehicle is in range of a supply drop, the vehicle driver will see a rearm button that can be activated to repair/resupply his vehicle. Vehicle supplies will disappear when used, when destroyed by the enemy, or when 15 minutes has elapsed since they were deployed. Click here for details on additions and fixes.
AMD Third-Quarter Decline Larger Than Expected
AMD said today that sales for the quarter ended September 30, 2001, at approximately $766 million, declined by 22 percent from second-quarter. On August 29 AMD said that it expected third-quarter revenues would decline by approximately 15 percent sequentially. The company also said it expects to report a loss of between $90 million and $110 million for the quarter. Sales of flash memory devices declined by approximately $100 million sequentially, in line with previously reported expectations, reflecting continued weakness in the communication sector and excess inventories in the hands of major customers. AMD also said unit sales of PC processors remained at the record level of the second quarter, when AMD sold more than 7.7 million PC processors. In the face of very aggressive competition, average-selling prices (ASPs) for PC processors declined sharply, which resulted in substantially lower revenues.
Military News
Boeing JSF Modeling And Simulation Breakthrough
Boeing has unveiled details of a comprehensive modeling and simulation architecture that assures new levels of affordability. Demonstrated during the Joint Strike Fighter program's concept demonstration phase, these improvements will make the Department of Defense's long-standing vision of simulation-based acquisition a reality.
Combining benchmarks achieved on its 777 and Next-Generation 737 commercial aircraft, C-17 airlifter, Apache helicopter and other programs, the new Boeing JSF architecture incorporates what previously were separate, stand-alone modeling and simulation tools into an overall integrated system.

"Simulation-based acquisition the innovative use of simulation tools to reduce program costs not only allows us to execute the JSF program in a revolutionary manner, but has a transformational impact on the company's future programs as well," said Frank Statkus, Boeing vice president and JSF general manager.
"On JSF, incorporating a number of simulations from areas such as propulsion systems, vehicle management, avionics, etc., into one 'package' not only gives our One Team members an early, clear picture of the interactions between all elements of the aircraft, but also significantly improves integration and reduces program risk and cost."
From the beginning of the program, Boeing used computer modeling and simulation to design and build its demonstrator aircraft thousands of times before the first airplane part was fabricated. As the design matured, changes and special relationships were reviewed electronically as well. Using the same design, fabrication and assembly approach Boeing plans to use in the engineering, manufacturing and development (EMD) phase of the program, engineers and assembly workers built the two X-32 aircraft in record time, while reducing costs more than 50 percent compared to previous demonstration aircraft.
As JSF requirements evolved, Boeing matured successive versions of its aircraft in a single database used by all 34 One Team partners in the United States, Canada and Europe. From this single database, wind tunnel models, flight simulations and virtual reality models that allowed rapid and comprehensive testing of emerging configurations were generated in near-real time. Once the demonstrator aircraft began flying, Boeing proved that its simulation tools predicted actual in-flight performance within 2 percent or better accuracy. In addition, some predictions were made up to two years prior to the actual flight tests, further underscoring the validity of these processes.
"Modeling and simulation contributed significantly to the flight-test program's outstanding efficiency and unprecedented sortie rate of up to five flights a day," said Dennis O'Donoghue, Boeing JSF lead STOVL test pilot. "Pilots flew the planes thousands of hours in a simulated cockpit before we actually climbed into the X-32. When we began flying the real planes, they flew just like the simulator."
"The importance of modeling and simulation in reducing risk can't be emphasized enough," Statkus said. "We were able to eliminate the majority of bugs before we ever built or flew the X-32 aircraft. Excellent software models and revolutionary control law development made the changeover from the lab to flight test incredibly simple.
"The days of lengthy delays in development or living with design flaws far into a production run are gone," he added. "We've proven that our simulation tools are very reliable, which gives us high confidence that we can build aircraft that will meet requirements within both schedule and cost constraints." Modeling and simulation were used in a number of other areas of Boeing JSF development as well:
"What's important about all this is that Boeing has proven it is ready to hit the ground running on day one of the EMD phase and not get behind schedule," Statkus said. "We're delivering the DoD vision of simulation-based acquisition today, and both the warfighter and the taxpayer will benefit from what we've accomplished. This is truly a revolutionary way of doing business.
"You can't go where the JSF program needs to go build an affordable 21st century fighter aircraft for all services by doing business as usual," Statkus added.
Lightweight Rapid-Reload Cartridge For Metal Storm
The Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) had successfully developed and test fired a lightweight 40mm multi-shot cartridge, as part of the research programme on Metal Storm Technology covered under the research agreement between DSTO and Metal Storm.

The Metal Storm 40mm weapon, which fires stacked grenades at rates as high as 20,000 rpm per barrel, is being developed as an area-denial system to replace anti-personnel land mines as well as a range of other strategic military and civil applications.
Metal Storm's CEO Mike O'Dwyer said that the cartridge was constructed of lightweight carbon composite material, and was approximately one fifth of the weight of a cartridge of the same dimensions made of steel.
Mr. O'Dwyer said, "This multi-shot cartridge, including the embedded electronic tracks it contains, represents a massive reduction in weight, and at the same time provides a simple and cost effective rapid-reload capability for Metal Storm 40mm systems. Although we expect that some of the future 40mm multi-barreled pod systems will be developed as single-use items, many more are expected to be reloadable, and these will benefit greatly from this DSTO success."
Metal Storm plan to extend the use of carbon composite into Metal Storm police and military small arms applications.
'Ace In The Hole' A Factor To Be Reckoned With
In 1962, the intercontinental ballistic missile was this nation's "ace in the hole" during the Cuban Missile Crisis.Now, almost 40 years after President Kennedy successfully used the threat of ICBMs as leverage against the Soviet Union, the Minuteman III is still the United States' "ultimate space system," said Gen. Ed Eberhart, the man in charge of all Air Force ICBMs.
Eberhart is commander in chief of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Space Command; commander of Air Force Space Command; and the Department of Defense manager for manned space flight support operations at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo.
"The ICBM is the ultimate space system in terms of deterrence," Eberhart said while discussing why Minuteman III missiles remain critical to global stability.

"It's a capability that warns other nations that there are certain things they can do and certain things they cannot do, he said. "If they truly put our nation at risk, we have the capability to destroy them."
Since February 2000, Eberhart has been in charge of a command that includes units at three bases with ICBMs on alert since the Kennedy administration: Malmstrom; Minot AFB, N.D.; and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo. Currently there are 500 Minuteman IIIs.
While the Minuteman III was designed to deter an enemy nation-state, Eberhart said the United States should not infer from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that ICBMs are not important.
"It's not the right weapon to use to counter terrorist activity," he said. "But it remains a very relevant and capable tool to ensure no nation decides to attack our nation."
A forward air controller during Vietnam, Eberhart logged more than 300 combat missions in 1970. He knows the wartime value of safe, reliable battlefield tools. That is why he said modernizing the Minuteman III is absolutely essential.
"The on-going modernization will keep the Minuteman III viable until approximately 2020," Eberhart said. The extensive life extension program replaces aging guidance and stand-by power systems, rebuilds solid-propellant rocket motors, repairs launch facilities, and installs the latest communication equipment and command and control consoles for combat missile crews.
"We have a system that's safe, secure and reliable until 2020," the general said. "At that time, we'll move to the next stage of our ICBMs. I personally believe that will be a Minuteman IV."
The new missile could be dropped into current silos, or require current silos to be revamped, Eberhart said. Either way, the success of today's Minuteman III or tomorrow's Minuteman IV will come down to the same ingredient: people.
"It truly takes an exceptional person to be out in one of our missile sites, 24/7, 365 days a year, whether it's a holiday, a blizzard or your birthday," Eberhart said. It takes first-class people in operations, logistics, support and the medical field to make it work, he said. Eberhart's confidence that the Minuteman III system will work is unshakeable.
"The deterrence value of the ICBM has served us well in the past, has served us well in this crisis, and will serve us well for years to come," he said.
MLRS M270A1 begins Operational Testing
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control's improved Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) M270A1 launcher has begun Operational Testing (OT) at Fort Sill, Okla.
The OT will be conducted in two phases. Phase I, which is underway at Fort Sill, will evaluate system capabilities and unit and personnel interface with the M270A1 system. Live firings of MLRS Reduced-Range Practice Rockets (RRPRs) will be conducted during this phase. Phase II began in September 2001, at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., and consists of numerous live firings of MLRS rockets and Army Tactical Missile System (Army TACMS) missiles.

Ron Abbott, vice president - Fire Support programmes for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, said, "This is the final step in getting the M270A1 system approved for use by our troops. The system will provide the Army with a vastly updated launcher that can fire enhanced munitions, such as the Guided MLRS rocket and the anti-armour Army TACMS Block II missile."
The M270A1 programme is a major upgrade to the MLRS launcher. It includes an Improved Fire Control System (IFCS) that has a Global Positioning System (GPS), as well as the ability to process large blocks of data from new smart munitions within tactical timelines. Operating and maintenance costs will be reduced because of greater reliability and ease of repair on IFCS parts.
The system also incorporates the Improved Launcher Mechanical System (ILMS) upgrade, which reduces the time needed to aim and reload the launcher. In a typical fire mission, the ILMS-equipped launcher is six times faster than the current M270 launcher. Reload time is decreased by more than 30 percent. Crew and launcher survivability will be greatly enhanced because total exposure time on the battlefield will be significantly reduced.
War on Terrorism
FBI, CIA See High Probability of New Attack-Report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence officials have warned members of Congress it is highly probable that militants linked to extremist Osama bin Laden will attempt another major attack on American targets at home or abroad in the near future, the Washington Post reported on Friday. The threat assessment, based on what officials described as credible new information, was presented at a classified briefing Tuesday by officials from the FBI, the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Post said. [More...]
Ukraine PM Says Missile Theory Possible for Crash
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian Prime Minister Anatoly Kinakh was quoted on Friday by Interfax-Ukraine news agency as saying that the theory that his country accidentally shot down a Russian airliner had "a right to exist." Asked to clarify the report, Kinakh's spokesman said: "The prime minister said there were several theories and they all have a right to exist and it's too early to draw any conclusions because an investigation is underway." [More...]
[ Send Us News | Archives ]
by Gail Helmer
Friday October 05, 2001
- Part Two of Oleg Maddox Interview
- Aces High V.1.08 Released
- AMD Third-Quarter Decline Larger Than Expected
- Boeing JSF Modeling And Simulation Breakthrough
- 'Ace In The Hole' A Factor To Be Reckoned With
- Lightweight Rapid-Reload Cartridge For Metal Storm
- MLRS M270A1 begins Operational Testing
- FBI, CIA See High Probability of New Attack-Report
- Ukraine PM Says Missile Theory Possible for Crash
Part Two of Oleg Maddox Interview
The Official IL-2 Sturmovik website continues with part two of their exclusive interview with Oleg Maddox. They talk about his experiences developing the game, and some of his hopes for the future. He also gives advice to both experienced and novice pilots who plan on flying in the Eastern theatre in IL-2 Sturmovik. Click here
Aces High V.1.08 Released
HiTech Creations has announced that Aces High version 1.08 is now available for download. Changes in Aces High Version 1.08 include: Automated trains, truck convoys, roads, tracks, supply points, and a resupply system. Supplies can now be dropped on a field to repair the field or shorten the downtime. The C-47, M-3, and LVT-2 have this capability. Field supplies will repair or shorten the downtime of all objects within 1 mile of where it is deployed. It cannot be used to repair enemy owned objects or objects from the field it originated from.
A second supply type has been added to repair and resupply vehicles with ammo. Vehicle supplies will repair and rearm friendly vehicles when dropped within a half mile of a vehicle. When a vehicle is in range of a supply drop, the vehicle driver will see a rearm button that can be activated to repair/resupply his vehicle. Vehicle supplies will disappear when used, when destroyed by the enemy, or when 15 minutes has elapsed since they were deployed. Click here for details on additions and fixes.
AMD Third-Quarter Decline Larger Than Expected
AMD said today that sales for the quarter ended September 30, 2001, at approximately $766 million, declined by 22 percent from second-quarter. On August 29 AMD said that it expected third-quarter revenues would decline by approximately 15 percent sequentially. The company also said it expects to report a loss of between $90 million and $110 million for the quarter. Sales of flash memory devices declined by approximately $100 million sequentially, in line with previously reported expectations, reflecting continued weakness in the communication sector and excess inventories in the hands of major customers. AMD also said unit sales of PC processors remained at the record level of the second quarter, when AMD sold more than 7.7 million PC processors. In the face of very aggressive competition, average-selling prices (ASPs) for PC processors declined sharply, which resulted in substantially lower revenues.
Military News
Boeing JSF Modeling And Simulation Breakthrough
Boeing has unveiled details of a comprehensive modeling and simulation architecture that assures new levels of affordability. Demonstrated during the Joint Strike Fighter program's concept demonstration phase, these improvements will make the Department of Defense's long-standing vision of simulation-based acquisition a reality.
Combining benchmarks achieved on its 777 and Next-Generation 737 commercial aircraft, C-17 airlifter, Apache helicopter and other programs, the new Boeing JSF architecture incorporates what previously were separate, stand-alone modeling and simulation tools into an overall integrated system.

"Simulation-based acquisition the innovative use of simulation tools to reduce program costs not only allows us to execute the JSF program in a revolutionary manner, but has a transformational impact on the company's future programs as well," said Frank Statkus, Boeing vice president and JSF general manager.
"On JSF, incorporating a number of simulations from areas such as propulsion systems, vehicle management, avionics, etc., into one 'package' not only gives our One Team members an early, clear picture of the interactions between all elements of the aircraft, but also significantly improves integration and reduces program risk and cost."
From the beginning of the program, Boeing used computer modeling and simulation to design and build its demonstrator aircraft thousands of times before the first airplane part was fabricated. As the design matured, changes and special relationships were reviewed electronically as well. Using the same design, fabrication and assembly approach Boeing plans to use in the engineering, manufacturing and development (EMD) phase of the program, engineers and assembly workers built the two X-32 aircraft in record time, while reducing costs more than 50 percent compared to previous demonstration aircraft.
As JSF requirements evolved, Boeing matured successive versions of its aircraft in a single database used by all 34 One Team partners in the United States, Canada and Europe. From this single database, wind tunnel models, flight simulations and virtual reality models that allowed rapid and comprehensive testing of emerging configurations were generated in near-real time. Once the demonstrator aircraft began flying, Boeing proved that its simulation tools predicted actual in-flight performance within 2 percent or better accuracy. In addition, some predictions were made up to two years prior to the actual flight tests, further underscoring the validity of these processes.
"Modeling and simulation contributed significantly to the flight-test program's outstanding efficiency and unprecedented sortie rate of up to five flights a day," said Dennis O'Donoghue, Boeing JSF lead STOVL test pilot. "Pilots flew the planes thousands of hours in a simulated cockpit before we actually climbed into the X-32. When we began flying the real planes, they flew just like the simulator."
"The importance of modeling and simulation in reducing risk can't be emphasized enough," Statkus said. "We were able to eliminate the majority of bugs before we ever built or flew the X-32 aircraft. Excellent software models and revolutionary control law development made the changeover from the lab to flight test incredibly simple.
"The days of lengthy delays in development or living with design flaws far into a production run are gone," he added. "We've proven that our simulation tools are very reliable, which gives us high confidence that we can build aircraft that will meet requirements within both schedule and cost constraints." Modeling and simulation were used in a number of other areas of Boeing JSF development as well:
- Since supportability accounts for nearly two-thirds of an airplane's life-cycle costs, significant effort has been placed on developing aircraft maintenance through use of virtual reality simulations and maintenance rehearsals during the design phase rather than after the aircraft design is frozen. This effort will not only significantly reduce maintenance man-hours per flight hour but also greatly reduce overall support costs.
- Extensive testing using the company's 737 Avionics Flying Laboratory (AFL) reduced risk in designing the mission systems. During a live-fire demonstration with the integrated system, which included an F-15E, a Joint Direct Attack Munition destroyed a ground target using refined target data provided by the AFL.
- To validate the low-observable characteristics of the JSF, a highly detailed full-scale radar cross-section model was built using the same, single engineering database used to design the actual aircraft.
"What's important about all this is that Boeing has proven it is ready to hit the ground running on day one of the EMD phase and not get behind schedule," Statkus said. "We're delivering the DoD vision of simulation-based acquisition today, and both the warfighter and the taxpayer will benefit from what we've accomplished. This is truly a revolutionary way of doing business.
"You can't go where the JSF program needs to go build an affordable 21st century fighter aircraft for all services by doing business as usual," Statkus added.
Lightweight Rapid-Reload Cartridge For Metal Storm
The Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) had successfully developed and test fired a lightweight 40mm multi-shot cartridge, as part of the research programme on Metal Storm Technology covered under the research agreement between DSTO and Metal Storm.

The Metal Storm 40mm weapon, which fires stacked grenades at rates as high as 20,000 rpm per barrel, is being developed as an area-denial system to replace anti-personnel land mines as well as a range of other strategic military and civil applications.
Metal Storm's CEO Mike O'Dwyer said that the cartridge was constructed of lightweight carbon composite material, and was approximately one fifth of the weight of a cartridge of the same dimensions made of steel.
Mr. O'Dwyer said, "This multi-shot cartridge, including the embedded electronic tracks it contains, represents a massive reduction in weight, and at the same time provides a simple and cost effective rapid-reload capability for Metal Storm 40mm systems. Although we expect that some of the future 40mm multi-barreled pod systems will be developed as single-use items, many more are expected to be reloadable, and these will benefit greatly from this DSTO success."
Metal Storm plan to extend the use of carbon composite into Metal Storm police and military small arms applications.
'Ace In The Hole' A Factor To Be Reckoned With
In 1962, the intercontinental ballistic missile was this nation's "ace in the hole" during the Cuban Missile Crisis.Now, almost 40 years after President Kennedy successfully used the threat of ICBMs as leverage against the Soviet Union, the Minuteman III is still the United States' "ultimate space system," said Gen. Ed Eberhart, the man in charge of all Air Force ICBMs.
Eberhart is commander in chief of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Space Command; commander of Air Force Space Command; and the Department of Defense manager for manned space flight support operations at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo.
"The ICBM is the ultimate space system in terms of deterrence," Eberhart said while discussing why Minuteman III missiles remain critical to global stability.

"It's a capability that warns other nations that there are certain things they can do and certain things they cannot do, he said. "If they truly put our nation at risk, we have the capability to destroy them."
Since February 2000, Eberhart has been in charge of a command that includes units at three bases with ICBMs on alert since the Kennedy administration: Malmstrom; Minot AFB, N.D.; and F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo. Currently there are 500 Minuteman IIIs.
While the Minuteman III was designed to deter an enemy nation-state, Eberhart said the United States should not infer from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that ICBMs are not important.
"It's not the right weapon to use to counter terrorist activity," he said. "But it remains a very relevant and capable tool to ensure no nation decides to attack our nation."
A forward air controller during Vietnam, Eberhart logged more than 300 combat missions in 1970. He knows the wartime value of safe, reliable battlefield tools. That is why he said modernizing the Minuteman III is absolutely essential.
"The on-going modernization will keep the Minuteman III viable until approximately 2020," Eberhart said. The extensive life extension program replaces aging guidance and stand-by power systems, rebuilds solid-propellant rocket motors, repairs launch facilities, and installs the latest communication equipment and command and control consoles for combat missile crews.
"We have a system that's safe, secure and reliable until 2020," the general said. "At that time, we'll move to the next stage of our ICBMs. I personally believe that will be a Minuteman IV."
The new missile could be dropped into current silos, or require current silos to be revamped, Eberhart said. Either way, the success of today's Minuteman III or tomorrow's Minuteman IV will come down to the same ingredient: people.
"It truly takes an exceptional person to be out in one of our missile sites, 24/7, 365 days a year, whether it's a holiday, a blizzard or your birthday," Eberhart said. It takes first-class people in operations, logistics, support and the medical field to make it work, he said. Eberhart's confidence that the Minuteman III system will work is unshakeable.
"The deterrence value of the ICBM has served us well in the past, has served us well in this crisis, and will serve us well for years to come," he said.
MLRS M270A1 begins Operational Testing
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control's improved Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) M270A1 launcher has begun Operational Testing (OT) at Fort Sill, Okla.
The OT will be conducted in two phases. Phase I, which is underway at Fort Sill, will evaluate system capabilities and unit and personnel interface with the M270A1 system. Live firings of MLRS Reduced-Range Practice Rockets (RRPRs) will be conducted during this phase. Phase II began in September 2001, at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., and consists of numerous live firings of MLRS rockets and Army Tactical Missile System (Army TACMS) missiles.

Ron Abbott, vice president - Fire Support programmes for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, said, "This is the final step in getting the M270A1 system approved for use by our troops. The system will provide the Army with a vastly updated launcher that can fire enhanced munitions, such as the Guided MLRS rocket and the anti-armour Army TACMS Block II missile."
The M270A1 programme is a major upgrade to the MLRS launcher. It includes an Improved Fire Control System (IFCS) that has a Global Positioning System (GPS), as well as the ability to process large blocks of data from new smart munitions within tactical timelines. Operating and maintenance costs will be reduced because of greater reliability and ease of repair on IFCS parts.
The system also incorporates the Improved Launcher Mechanical System (ILMS) upgrade, which reduces the time needed to aim and reload the launcher. In a typical fire mission, the ILMS-equipped launcher is six times faster than the current M270 launcher. Reload time is decreased by more than 30 percent. Crew and launcher survivability will be greatly enhanced because total exposure time on the battlefield will be significantly reduced.
War on Terrorism
FBI, CIA See High Probability of New Attack-Report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence officials have warned members of Congress it is highly probable that militants linked to extremist Osama bin Laden will attempt another major attack on American targets at home or abroad in the near future, the Washington Post reported on Friday. The threat assessment, based on what officials described as credible new information, was presented at a classified briefing Tuesday by officials from the FBI, the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Post said. [More...]
Ukraine PM Says Missile Theory Possible for Crash
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian Prime Minister Anatoly Kinakh was quoted on Friday by Interfax-Ukraine news agency as saying that the theory that his country accidentally shot down a Russian airliner had "a right to exist." Asked to clarify the report, Kinakh's spokesman said: "The prime minister said there were several theories and they all have a right to exist and it's too early to draw any conclusions because an investigation is underway." [More...]