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Thursday, September 30
New Articles @ COMBATSIM.COMUpdated Shadow Company Demo
  • has an update to the Shadow Company demo on their site.

    Ethnic and political tensions flare, terrorism is rampant worldwide, while third-world military dictators and malicious corporations hire anyone willing to fight for their cause. The demo features the first mission set in Angola and three of the game's 16 mercenaries.

    You can download the update demo here: Shadow Company
TreadMarks Test 2
  • has a new demo called TreadMarks.

    Have you ever felt the desire to jump in a Main Battle Tank, head out to the country, and do some serious Off Road Tank Racing with your buddies? Now you can do just that, and when you're through racing, you can blow their tanks to bits in free-for-all deathmatch as well!

    You can download the demo here: TreadMarks
Janes USAF Demo
  • USAF Central is reporting that Janes will release a demo for USAF. The only flyable plane in the demo is the F-15E you get to fly your F-15E to destroy a control tower. The demo download will be around 50 megs.
US Navy's First Shipboard Test Launch Yields Success
  • USS SHILOH (CG 67) conducted the AEGIS Light Exo-Atmospheric Projectile Intercept (ALI) Control Test Vehicle 1A (CTV-1A) flight test in the mid-Pacific using the range facilities of the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Kauai, Hawaii, on Sept. 24. The CTV-1A flight test demonstrated the first shipboard launch of the Standard Missile 3 (SM-3), the U.S. Navy's new exo-atmospheric missile designed to counter the theater ballistic missile threat.

    The launch achieved all test objectives demonstrating airframe stability and control through the second and third stage separation event.

    The ALI project, part of the Navy Theater Wide (NTW) Theater Missile Defense program, is a progressive series of flight tests which culminate in a series of intercepts of theater ballistic missile targets in the exo-atmosphere. CTV-1A is a significant milestone in the ALI flight test series.

    The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization in Washington, D.C., and the Navy's Program Executive Office for Theater Surface Combatants (PEO(TSC)) are responsible for developing and fielding highly effective, AEGIS ship-based, missile defense for the joint warfighter. PEO(TSC) executes the NTW program. Lockheed Martin Government Electronic Systems develops the AEGIS weapon system installed in AEGIS cruisers. Raytheon Missile Systems Co. develops the SM-3 Missile.
Two German air force Tornadoes crashed Sept. 24 at about 3 p.m.
  • The pilots, two instructors and two students from the GAF Flying Training Center, all successfully ejected. After a brief stay at the Carlsbad Medical Center, two have returned to Holloman, and the other two were transferred to Gerald Champion Memorial Hospital in Alamogordo, N.M.

    At the time of the accident, the aircraft were completing a training mission at mid-level altitudes, ranging from 12,500 to 29,000 feet.

    The Tornado is a $27 million twin-engine air-to-ground and air-defense fighter. The European-built fighter carries a crew of two and has been training here since 1996.

    The last incident involving a GAF training mission was an October 1998 collision between two Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., F-4Fs. The combined American and German crew of one aircraft ejected safely, while the second aircraft landed safely.
Jane's Defence Weekly
  • NATO allies agree need to upgrade capability
    NATO Defence Ministers meeting in Toronto, Canada, congratulatedthemselves on the success in Kosovo, before dealing with thedeficiencies highlighted by the operation and the subsequent problems ofoverstretch.

  • New UN ROEs key to Timor success or failure
    The rules of engagement (ROE) for Operation 'Stabilise' are creditedwith being a significant contributing factor in the initial success ofthe International Force for East Timor (INTERFET).

  • Vosper Thornycroft chosen for Greek FAC deal
    UK shipbuilding and marine engineering group Vosper Thornycroft has beenselected to partner Greece's Elefsis Shipbuilding and IndustrialEnterprises for the supply of three new 62m missile-armed fast attackcraft (FAC) for the Hellenic Navy.

  • DoD expands pursuit of interoperability
    The US Department of Defense (DoD) is embarking on its most aggressiveattempt yet to ensure US military forces can operate together and withallies.

  • USA eyes new airbase in South America
    The US Department of Defense is considering investing $30 million intoan Ecuadorian airbase in exchange for access to the facility, thecommander of US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) told a Senate panel lastweek.

  • Accident investigation clears Gripen design
    The Swedish Air Force (SwAF) was last week cleared to continueoperations involving its Saab JAS 39 Gripen multi-role fighter, despitelosing its first example during a training exercise on 20 September.

  • Indra scoops $37.5m Spanish Army contract
    Spanish electronics company Indra has won a Ptas6 billion ($37.5million) contract to upgrade the Spanish Army's air defence forces.

  • Russian anti-ship missiles to arm Indian Kilo submarines
    Two of the Indian Navy's Russian-built Sindhughosh (Kilo) (Type877EKM/636)-class patrol submarines will be armed with the latestRussian 3M-54E1 anti-ship missiles (ASMs), according to Russian industrysources.

  • India opts for Hawk jet trainers
    India has invited quotations from British Aerospace (BAe) for some 48Hawk advanced jet trainers (AJTs) to meet the air force's long-standingdemand for trainer aircraft.

  • Czech Republic to sell upgraded MBTs to Yemen
    The Czech Republic is selling an undetermined number of upgraded T-54/55main battle tanks (MBTs) to Yemen, according to Prime Minister MilosZeman.

  • Merger forms big-league Euro naval builder
    A major new force in European submarine and surface warship constructionhas been created following last week's merger of Howaldtswerke DeutscheWerft (HDW) of Germany and Kockums Naval Systems of Sweden.

  • Scandal rocks Czech MoD
    A procurement scandal involving the alleged overcharging for spare partsfor Mil Mi-24 combat helicopters has rocked the Czech Ministry ofDefence (MoD).
Jane's Defence Upgrades
  • Hind night-mission proposals at MAKS`99
    Proposals for the second stage modernisation of Russian Mil Mi-24 `Hind'assault/anti-tank helicopters, to allow day/night all-weatheroperations, were shown at the MAKS`99 exposition in Zhukovsky lastAugust. This version of the helicopter will be designated Mi-24VN. Twosystems were shown, plus a third already ordered for an export customer.

  • RAN to upgrade Collins-class SSKs
    A critical report detailing serious design flaws and numerousoperational, commercial and managerial shortcomings in Australia'sCollins-class diesel-engined submarine programme, has been released. TheRoyal Australian Navy (RAN) and Australian Department of Defence haveallocated US$80 million for a joint RAN/US Navy programme to remedy thedeficiencies with an upgrade solution.

  • Ukraine develops upgrade for BTR-70
    The Kharkov Morozov Design Bureau in the Ukraine has developed anupgrade package for the Russian-designed BTR-70 (8x8) armoured personnelcarrier, concentrating on the armament and powerpack. The company isbetter known as the design authority for the T-84 and T-64 main battletank (MBTs), as well as for upgrades for the T-72 and T-80 MBTs.

  • Kelowna Flightcraft T-33 upgrades
    Details of Kelowna Flightcraft's programme to upgrade 16-20 LockheedT-33 trainers for the Bolivian Air Force were made public at theAerospace North America trade show, held in Vancouver in August. Theproject involves the installation of a new glass cockpit, with Barcodisplays, into the 1952-vintage aircraft.

  • TECHNOLOGY INSERTION: U-2S improvements RAMP up
    Following the completion of their re-engining with General ElectricF118-GE-101 turbo-fans in December 1998, work is now underway to upgradethe sensors and avionics of the US Air Force Lockheed Martin U-2Sfleet. One element is the ASARS-2 Improvement Programme with theReconnaissance Avionics Maintainability Program (RAMP) being the other.David C Isby and Michael J Gething report.

  • THE JDU INTERVIEW: Jan Falck Schmidt
    The Elevated TOW System upgrade, described as "a new type of TOWunder-armour upgrade", was developed by Denmark's E Falck Schmidt A/Sand Delco Defense Systems Operations of the USA. Scott R Gourleydiscussed the programme with Jan Falck Schmidt, Director of E FalckSchmidt, after recent successful concept demonstration firings at theDanish Armour School in Borris, Denmark.
Wednesday, September 29
New Articles @ COMBATSIM.COMNovacentral News
  • For those of you who are Novalogic fans, there is a web site called Novacentral which has news on all up coming Novalogic games including Delta Force2. You can view the site here: NCNN
Aces High hits Beta
  • HiTech Creations have reported that Aces High has hit beta. Aces High is an online multi-player combat flight simulator utilizing a variety of World War II vintage fighters and bombers from six countries, each modeled in intricate detail. Players experience sophisticated real-time air combat versus other players connecting in from all over the world. You can download the beta here Aces High
  • Panzer General 3D Assault shiped to retailers nationwide yesterday at an estimated street price of $39.99. Panzer General 3D Assault features a new combat system which truly puts the "General" in Panzer General. The combat system now emphasizes leader management instead of unit management.Players can promote, dismiss or reassign their commanders in order to maximize their forces. As leaders gain experience and are promoted, they acquire more actions per turn and can perform more effectively. In addition to standard orders, leaders acquire and command up to 40 "veteran" orders,allowing them to launch all-out attacks, dive-bomb enemy positions and attack with greater accuracy.

    Players can fight as the American, British German or French forces, choosing one of 8 different campaigns on the Western Front during World War II, including North Africa. 10 areas of operation provide a variety of terrain and mission objectives. A new headquarters interface allows players tocustomize their armies to fit the upcoming battle. In addition to two-player combat via modem, Panzer General 3D Assault also supports up to four players via LAN.
Rogue Spear Mission Pack
  • We have confirmation from Red Storm that although the Aztech mission pack looks in doubt, Red Storm are producing their own. For those worried about an add-on for Rogue Spear, don't worry - one is in the works.
Tuesday, September 28
Rogue Spear Expansion Pack Delayed
  • RogueSpear.Net is reporting that The Rogue Spear add-on pack which was originally to be produced by Aztech New Media and set for a release date of late fall 1999 will no longer be produced. Aztech New Media which is located in Don Mills, Ontario, Canada has closed shop. We are trying to confirm this is story and will report to you once we have more information.
  • Sierra is releasing a new game Q1 2000 called GroundControl. The site has a bunch of screen shots and information on the new game.

    Thanks to Robert for the tip.
SDOE Tournament News
  • Level 1 of 3 has been completed in the first SDOE Division Level Tournament, code named "Kampfschwarm", hosted by the Screamin' Blue Messiahs. 8 teams of 4 players each were involved in Level 1, which lasted ~4.5 hours. The results/scores for level 1 can be found at here: Round 1. For more information on the Kampfschwarm Tournament you can visit it's Main Page.

    Thanks Scoob from the SBM for the update






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