by Doug Helmer
- •MSRP- $695 US
- •Avg. Retail - $599 US
- •Avg. Web - $499 US
A very large and gnarly thumbs-up. The VFX-1 Headgear is for any of you who are true realism junkies. The VFX1 will take you beyond the limits of visual realism and take you to a very cool and sometimes scary place where you actually feel and interact with the game. But such realism is not for the faint of heart, and if you've been couch-potatoing for some time and you want to get a VFX1 you'd better think about gettin' in shape because the more intense simulations will not only amaze your senses they will also push your physical stamina.
Forte's System Requirements:
- •An IBM Compatible 80386 SX16 MHz or higher computer running MS DOS 5.0 or greater, a free 16-bit ISA expansion slot, a 3-1/2 floppy disk drive, plus a hard disk drive with at least 500 K free space for VFX1 HEADGEAR system drivers and utilities. Other applications supplied by FORTE that you choose to install will require additional disk space plus and optional CD ROM drive.
- •A VGA Video Adapter equipped with a 26-pin VESA Feature Connector (sometimes referred to as "External Video").
- •The Forte VIP card requires a VGA card with a 100% fully VESA compliant Feature Connector output to drive the VFX1 HEADGEAR visor displays. If you are not sure whether your computer or VGA video adapter has this connector, or is fully compliant with the VESA standard, consult your user's manual or contact the manufacturer before proceeding.
- •Approximately 20K of conventional memory for required memory resident VFX1 HEADGEAR drivers. Additionally, 500K is required to run the VFX1 HEADGEAR INSTALL and SETVFX1 setup programs.
- •This is the minimum required to support the VFX1 HEADGEAR. Other applications supplied by FORTE require varying amounts of memory.
- •Optional: Stereo Sound Card.
- •Required to provide stereo sound and microphone support to the VFX1 HEADGEAR. •NOTE: Due to the complexity of VR application software, FORTE recommends the use of VESA local bus or PCI bus video adapters and a 80486 or better system unit for best performance.
All that said, it goes without saying that any sim worth playing these days is going to require a Pentium computer and a hard drive with storage measured in hundreds of MB's or a Gig or two; therefore, the above requirements should not present any problems (If you are still playing combat simulations on an 80386 and you are considering getting a VFX1 to connect to it, please, buy a new computer first, okay).
Where you will run into problems is point number 2. Some newer video cards don't even have a VESA Feature Connector anymore. If you are not sure, check the manual which came with your graphics card to see if it shows a picture of the board with the VESA Feature Connector pointed out. If your graphics card has a VESA Feature Connector you are in business.
Our Test System:
We ran Forte's VFX1 on a P200 with 32 MB Ram and an ATI Pro Turbo PC2TV Graphic Accelerator with 8 Megs of SGRAM.
What You Get In The Box:
- The Cyberpuck - a hand-held, fits-in-your-mitt, 3 button, 3d controller which can be used as a mouse or joystick. Can be used by left or right-handed individuals.
- Nape Strap - for those who have smaller craniums or those who need extra support.
- VFX1 Interface Protocol (VIP) Card - The brains of the system.
- Cables for interfacing with VFX1, graphics card, stereo sound card, and microphone.
- Install floppy disk
- Bonus software CD ROM - includes: Heretic, Zephyr, Darker, Quarantine, Descent, & Magic Carpet, Virtek 3D-Ware Demo.
Thanks to the well-designed and executed User's Manual, the installation went exceedingly well. But that's not to say that it is exceedingly simple. Quite the contrary. This is a RUYS & DOYK (Roll Up Your Sleeves and get Down On Your Knees) installation. You need to pull the cover off your machine and find an empty 16 bit ISA slot. If you want to lose some pounds, do like I did and attempt to do all of this crouched under your work station table (I hate disconnecting all those cables).
Once you have found an empty ISA slot, you can snap in the VIP card. Then you have to find the VESA Feature Connector on your graphics card. If your graphics card is a separate entity unto its own, then this is not too difficult. It is to this 26 pin Feature Connector that you attach the ribbon cable from your VIP card. If your VGA video electronics are integrated onto the motherboard, get your manual out so you can find the Feature Connector. Once the VIP is installed and attached to the Feature Connector you can put the cover back on to your machine. From there, it is a simple matter to attach the cables for audio, microphone, cyberpuck and the VFX1 proper.
Side Note: The VFX1's VIP card utilizes the ACCESS.bus interface for attaching
peripherals. The ACCESS.bus is a great interface which allows you to have
up to 125 other peripherals attached to your machine simultaneously. It
is also "hot pluggable" which means you can connect and disconnect
the VFX1 and the Cyberpuck while the unit is fully powered. Why don't we
see more of these ACCESS.bus ports on hardware? Well, that's a political
issue, but suffice if to say it has something to do with Intel and their
Universal Serial Bus (USB) technology for attaching peripherals. Ah, so
many stories and so little time. We'll leave the ACCESS.bus / USB controversy
for another feature.
Design, Construction, and Use:
Can you say ER-GO-NOM-IC? I knew you could. When it comes to design, construction, and use, I would venture to say that the VFX1 is without peer. First of all, the VFX1 is the only peripheral that I would use the words stunningly beautiful to describe. With its sweeping curves and matte black finish I would guess that it was produced by a design team made up of not just engineers, but also of sculptors and professors of cranial anatomy. Thankfully, it feels as good to wear as it is to gaze upon. To say that you "put on" the VFX1 doesn't accurately describe the fact that once you don the VFX1 it ceases to be something you have on as opposed to being a part of you. I found it to be a transparent extension of my world rather than a piece of hardware on my head. This is due in large part to the innovative use of design and materials.
Of course it is made of plastic, but you can tell just by running your hand over it that it is of a high quality and very durable. All the joints and seams mate perfectly which is more than I can say for a lot of the new cars I see on the road these days. There's lots of cushy fabric-covered foam on the inside too. The visor portion of the VFX1 can be readily flipped up and down and the hinge needs no tightening or loosening to perform this maneuver. It is at this mechanical interface, where the VFX1 transitions from head gear to visor, that the true genius of its design can be seen.
Most VR systems today come in one of two flavours: the full helmet style and the visor-only style. The full-helmet style (favourite of the military and university VR research centers and gamers with huge bucks) are basically a military-style aviator or tank helmet complete with high-quality headphones with an incorporated visor. These full-helmet style VR rigs are great for blocking out any exterior distractions, but they are heavy, hot, and expensive as hell to produce. The visor style VR rigs do away with the helmet, the stereo head phones, and just give you the visuals. Unfortunately they need to be attached to the skull with a low-tech device familiar to anyone who has ever worn a welder's face mask. Not so heavy or hot, but forget about feeling truly immersed and also forget about having any blood circulating to the top of your head! Enter the VFX1.
The VFX1 gives you the best of both worlds and none of the drawbacks of either the full helmet or visor-style rigs. What FORTE has done is created the ultimate melding of these two approaches to VR and it all is made possible by its clam shell-like design. What FORTE probably did (and this is just pure speculation) is they started with a full helmet style VR system and then just cut away everything that wasn't needed. What was left could no longer really qualify as a helmet, rather, what is left is that hybrid of a helmet and a visor --- a head gear. The resulting head gear gives you all the benefits of a full helmet in that it rests passively upon your head (that is, it doesn't grip or clinch you skull), has real headphones which envelope your ears, and it has a visor which completely covers your eyes and blocks out external light and distractions. You also have the benefits of the visor-only style VR rigs in that it is lightweight, un-hot and sweaty (I wanted to say "cool" but that word has a different meaning on the net), and best of all --- affordable.
To put the unit on, one simply flips up the visor, grasps it by the top
with one hand and places it on the head while pushing the headphones over
the ears in one fluid motion. That's it. No knobs to tighten or chin straps
to strappen. When you have your game running you simply flip down the visor
(which will stay in any position you so desire) and you are immediately
in the VR world. All external sound is blocked out by the well-padded and
comfortable head phones and most of the external light is blocked by the
beefy visor. Notice I said "most of the light?" You'll probably
want to play in a dim or darkened room to get the full immersive effect
(there's an even cleverer way to get around the external light factor,
but you'll need to read the VFX1 User's Group FAQ to find out).
Speaking of the visor, this is not just a visor, it is a Smart Visor(TM). Now, to me, a smart visor would be one that would know when I wanted it up and when I wanted it down. It would also adjust the optics automatically to accommodate my vision requirements, but alas it is not that smart. A better, and more accurate, name for the visor portion of the headset might have been "The Really Well Designed and Easy to Use and Adjust Visor That Blocks Out Annoying Ambient Light" or RWDEUAVTBOAAL (is that a Dutch word?) Visor, but I can see where Forte's marketing department might have had trouble with that. How about the Pretty Smart Visor? Aw, forget it. Let's just stick with Smart Visor.
Inside the Smart Visor are two 0.7 inch colour liquid crystal displays (181,470 Pixels). However, these are not just LCD's glued into the visor. The LCD are what you see, but you look through what appear to be the optics of a high-quality microscope. With this arrangement there's no chance that you'll see the LCD for the right eye with your left eye and vice versa. Each eye piece can be adjusted in two ways: focus and inter pupillary distance (IPD). While focus is useful for obvious reasons, the IPD adjustment may not seem so apparent. IPD is simply the fancy way of saying the horizontal distance between your eyes. Since everyone is different, the ability to adjust each eyepiece's IPD independently ensures that you will be able to experience stereoscopic or 3D viewing no matter what the size or shape of your face may be.
Okay, now we have the VFX1 on. Now what? Well, if the game we run supports the VFX1 natively, then we get to experience stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic audio, and head tracking.
Stereoscopic vision is a hoot. In Comanche3, which probably utilizes the VFX1 to it's fullest and most glorious potential, the stereoscopic vision mode makes the HUD appear to float about a foot away from your face and the bumps, ridges, and gullies in the terrain look like real bumps, ridges, . . . you get the idea.
Stereoscopic audio is more than just stereophonic sound. For example, in Comanche3, you can turn your head to the left or right and the sound or pitch of the rotor blades thup-thup-thupping their way through the air changes in your headphones. Turn your head back to look forward and the sound of the engine and rotor blades resume their more muffled sound and lower pitch. So the sounds you hear in a game like Comanche3 will not only be a function of what side of your vehicle they originate from, but they will also depend upon the position of your head. Now that's realism!
Head tracking . . . or should I call it "That Which Is To Be Cherished and Revered" by combat sim enthusiasts? But I don't want to get ahead of myself, so let me just take a moment to describe this head tracking business.
For the uninitiated, a VR setup capable of head tracking will feed your head movements back to the sim's software and change or move the picture you see in the visor to reflect your head movements. The VFX1 can track your head movements in three separate planes which should be familiar to flight simmers: Roll, Pitch, and Yaw. For example, when I enabled head tracking in EF2000 and I tilted my head to one side or the other - my view of the world was also tilted - that's Roll. When I bobbed my head up and down, the view in the virtual cockpit bobbed up and down too - that's Pitch. When I looked left or right, the view panned smoothly left or right in accordance to my head motions - that's Yaw. Put it all together and you can experience one of the joys of VR headgear I realized right away when I fixed my gaze upon a building's smoke stack in EF2000 and initiated a steep banking turn around it. For the first time, I could keep my eye fixed on the stack even though I may not have been performing a perfectly circular or level turn. "So what's so great about that?" you ask.
I've never had much success in accomplishing that seemingly simple task of circling a ground object and keeping it in the middle of the monitor while using the arrow keys to pan my view. Invariably, as I'm sure many will agree, you can't tell whether you are level or pitching up or down or rolling left or right because you can't see the horizon in such maneuvers. However, with the VFX1 on your head, chances are that if your chin starts digging into your collar bone while you do a steep banking turn over a ground object, your brain will lightly tap you on the shoulder and tell you that you are flattening your bank out too much and you need to roll the plane back into the turn a bit more.
All of this without the visual aid of a horizon, which you no longer need of course because everyone has their own built-in horizon, namely, their middle ear (the collar bone / chin collision also comes in handy when you refuse to heed the signals your inner ear is sending to your brain). So, with a VFX1 on your head and head tracking enabled you are encompassed within a sphere of virtual reality that goes beyond the visual, it enters into a higher realm of awareness where you can now detect your orientation in 3 dimensional space without the need for visual clues.
Forte calls the head tracking system in their VFX1 a Virtual Orientation System (VOS). How it does it isn't exactly spelled out in the literature, but it has something to do with magnetic fields and your particular longitude and latitude. No matter how it actually does it, it does it extremely well. Something that earlier VR systems had trouble with was what is called latency. Latency is that momentary time lag between your actual head movements and the subsequent movement of the picture you see in the visor. If this latency period was even a few milliseconds you would start to feel sick in a matter of moments. Forte has whupped this latency problem with the VFX1 by using a Digital Signal Processor or DSP. This is a hardware feature which costs Forte an extra 15 bucks to add to their board, but they've eaten the cost in order to keep you from losing what you may have just eaten. So, when you turn your head with a VFX1 on your noggin, the virtual world displayed to your eyes keeps perfect pace.
with regard to using this system, there is the Cyberpuck and the built
in microphone. Both work very well. The Cyberpuck lets you "take it
with you." What I mean is that if you want, you can get rid of your
chair, stand in the middle of the room and just use your hand-held cyberpuck
as your controller. It has three buttons and you can make it act like a
joystick by simply tilting it forward and back or side to side. I, however,
must confess that I never bothered to enable it. I am a confirmed sitter,
but if I were a DOOM or Quake player, I would definitely boot the chair
out of the room, clear all the breakables off the shelves and just stand
up and use the cyberpuck to control the blood-letting.
The microphone wasn't much use during my stand-alone tests, but with the latest improvements in online multiplayer communications it will certainly prove to be an asset. Funny thing is, you can't even see the darn thing. Oh sure, we'd all like one of those cool-looking NASA thingys, but that would be the first thing to break now wouldn't it? No, Forte is smarter than that. They integrated the microphone pickup into the visor. Check out the VFX1 User's Group FAQ for a neat thing you can do with the microphone jack.
The VFX1 VR Experience:
Now, we can get back to something I mentioned a moment ago, namely, that head tracking is perceived by most combat simmers who have never tried it to be "That Which Is To Be Cherished and Revered." I was one of the faithful that believed that if I only had a VR system with head tracking I would be able to win more dogfights in all my favourite air combat sims. I felt this way because it's a truism that the ability to keep one's eye on a threat or a target is often more important than the speed of your craft or your ability to pilot said craft. Furthermore, I've always been a firm adherent of the old combat pilot's adage "Lose sight, lose the fight."
I'm a good flight sim pilot and I like to think I have above average combat flying skills, but I lose more dogfights because I can't maintain proper situational awareness using arrow keys to pan my view, or F-keys to change my views. But what about padlock view, right? Well, a padlock view is great when there is only one other plane in the sky, but I find one tends to forget to check for other threats when that unwavering eye of the padlock view is stuck to one target. Now this is where I thought I would say "But now, with the VFX1, I never lose sight of the enemy and I kick those bogies' asses on the highest difficulty levels. Yeee-hah!" Well, kids, I'm sorry to say that head tracking, although absolutely great and wonderful, is not all fresh cherries and clotted cream. Now, just wait! Before y'all get a lynchin' party goin', let me explain.
Head tracking in a chopper sim like Comanche3, or a blaster sim like Mech Warrior, Doom, or Quake is a blessing second to none. However, head tracking in a flight sim like EF2000 can be both a blessing and a curse. "But how can this be?" you ask.
The difference lies in the fact that helicopter and ground-affixed craft like a tank, or a Mech Warrior, or your virtual self in Doom or Quake share one important thing: all prefer to stay upright. A plane, on the other hand, doesn't care whether it stays upright. In fact, half the fun of planes is that you can spit in the eye of Sir Isaac Newton's ghost and spend all your time upside down if you want (provided you don't have a gravity feed fuel system - then Newton gets to spit in your sorry face when you meet him at the pearly gates!). The problem I'm trying to explain here is one of human anatomy.
In a chopper or tank all you really need to do to maintain your situational awareness is look from left to right and forward and down. If threats are coming in from above, chances are you're going to be toast anyway so why worry. Looking left, right, forward and down are easily done in real life so doing so with a VFX1 on your head is also pretty easy. But, put a VFX1 on your head, then go fly EF2000's Eurofighter with head tracking enabled then select a scramble mission. If you survive the dogfight you may not survive the kink you'll have in your neck and the nausea you have in your guts. As a result of flying several scramble missions, I now have this new found respect for real pilots because it is really exhausting having to keep looking waaaay over your shoulder to check your six and even more of a strain to be in a turning dogfight and to keep your neck arched waaaaay back so you can keep your eyes on the bogie you are chasing. Think I'm a wimp?
Here's an excerpt from Forte's own User's manual which I scoffed at and then later regretted doing so:
Give Yourself a Break - Virtual reality applications, whether viewed on a video screen or headset, can potentially have adverse effects on the user including possible motion sickness, perceptual after effects and disorientation, and decreased postural stability. In rare cases, the onset of these symptoms can be delayed.
I had a combination of all of the above plus stiff neck muscles as a result of playing EF2K with the head traking enabled for only an hour. Forte recommends taking breaks every 15 minutes and I will personally endorse that recommendation. In fact I suggest you get an egg timer and set it to go off every 15 minutes because we all know how time flies in these things. It took me two days to feel normal after that initial overdose of virtual reality. Another thing you'll find out about the wonders of virtual reality while flying aircraft in combat situations is that unless your joystick and throttle are attached to the arms of a swivel chair, you simply cannot turn your head around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist to check your six. Now that padlock view starts looking like it ain't so bad, eh!
I can only imagine how difficult it must be for real pilots who obviously can't swivel their chairs (or heads) AND have to deal with G-Forces. As a result of my VFX1 experience in EF2000 I want to hereby state my request that aircraft sim makers incorporate a fatigue factor into their games. This fatigue factor would be a toggle-able feature and would take into account the effects sustained G-forces would have on your ability to even keep your head up. If you exceeded a certain fatigue factor the flight controls would get very squishy and sluggish and perhaps even the view might become a little wobbly. But let's get back to the VFX1.
All of this sounds rather negative doesn't it, but it's really intended as a whole-hearted endorsement of the VFX1. The VFX1 is about virtual reality - not virtual advantage. Reality bites sometimes, just as maintaining situational awareness does in real life planes. Consequently, I think the VFX1 succeeds in delivering a realistic experience. In all fairness to Forte however, one does adapt to the demands placed on the physique after time, but it do take time and you will get sick if you over do it.
Details, Details, Details:
Here's where I have to stop talking about the experience of using a VFX1 and start to talk about some of the finer details of its performance.
Because the VFX1 is tied to the VESA Feature Connector of your graphics card it is limited to 640 X 480 X 8 bit or 256 colours. 256 colors is not much fun if you are used to 16 or 32 bit graphics or 64,000 or 16.7 million colours respectively. What does this mean as far as your enjoyment of a sim? It means you aren't going to be able to see the finer details that you are used to seeing on your computer's monitor. In Comanche3, it is difficult to see the HUD details unless you switch the color of the readout to black. Even then, you are going to have a hard time reading it. Objects that are at a distance and camouflaged are going to be next to impossible to see running at 256 colours. This fact alone may be enough to discourage many from making the investment in a VFX1, but I have learned that the limited graphics are more than amply made up for by the immersive effect provided by the head tracking and stereoscopic visuals and audio.
What I found myself doing was flying a mission without the VFX1 in order to familiarize myself with the terrain, threats, and objectives. Then, I would put on the VFX1 and fly the mission again with head tracking enabled. Although the view wasn't as razor sharp as that produced by my monitor, I could always find better ways to fly the mission with the VFX1 on my head because I was simply able to take advantage of things I hadn't noticed while flying without the unit on my melon. For example, in the last mission of the first campaign in Comanche3, I found that with the headset on I could stay terrain masked more effectively because I was able to quickly glance out the side of the chopper to see how far away and below my chopper was with respect to a nearby ridge. Without the VFX1 I found myself drifting too far away, or too high above the ridge to my right, thereby exposing myself to a variety of ground and air borne threats.
The moral of this story? Although the VFX1 is primarily about what you see, there is still much to be said about how you see. But, if you must have 64K or 16.7 million colours in 640 X 480, all is not lost. But first, some history.
To put it politely, Forte Technologies got led down the garden path when they developed their system to use the VESA Feature Connector as the sole means of providing the graphical feed to the LCD's in their head set. They were told, like lots of other manufacturers of peripherals, that the VESA Feature Connector with its 8 bit colour was the way to go because no consumer was ever going to need more than 8 bit colour. Unfortunately, the VESA committee forgot to tell that to game developers. Shortly after the utterance of this sage advice, there appeared a bunch of awesome new games that could display high resolution 16 and 32 bit color and here was Forte stuck with the stupid Feature Connector interface poking along at 8 bits. And, to make matters worse, and as previously mentioned, some newer cards don't even have a Feature Connector anymore.
Now I have some good news and some bad news: The good news is if you want to experience 800 X 600 and/or 1024 X 768 resolution graphics with 16.7 million colours on your VFX1 then you can have it today if you purchase a third-party adapter box (contact Forte for more information). This adapter box allows you to do an end-run around the Feature Connector and attach your VFX1 directly into the output for your monitor. Voila! Higher resolutions. The bad news, it's another $300 U.S. But wait, there's more good news.
If you can throttle back your passion to have VR for just a bit longer (no later than Christmas '97 I'm told) Forte is coming out with a new product which will probably be called the VFX 3D (remember, you heard it here first kids). The VFX 3D will be exactly like the VFX1 but it won't rely on the Feature Connector interface in order to obtain the video signals and it won't need the adapter box. So, for the same price or less of today's VFX1 you should be able to get the higher resolution VFX 3D model by the end of the year. Whoopee!
This is another area in which Forte really shines! As I've already mentioned, the VFX1 comes with a very nicely produced, easy to use and understand User's Manual. Again, however, nothing as sophisticated as the VFX1 is going to be a cake walk to install and use every time right out of the box. No, there are always problems, but we combat simmers are used to these inevitable snafus, right? What we care about is how the company holds our shaking little hands when we contact them in the midst of one of our technology-induced hissy fits.
Forte has several ways to handle such emotional outbursts. First off, they offer Free Support for 1 Year along with a toll-free number to call (that alone will dry many a teary eye). They also maintain a web site at where you can go to get the latest downloads and patches that will keep your VFX1 humming at peak performance with both the games that support the VFX1 natively and those that can be tweaked to take advantage of many of the VFX1's features. And lastly, there's a really neat guy by the name of Bob Jackson who heads up the VFX1 User's group.
Bob is one of those rare individuals who makes it his personal (and unpaid) mission in life to help others to enjoy what he feels is the best peripheral to come along in gaming in some time. He runs the VFX1 User's Group and his web site provides everything you ever wanted to know about getting your VFX1 to run properly; plus, there you will find all sorts of stuff about the technology of the VFX1. Most of this wonderful information can be found in the "Official" VFX1 FAQ which was written by another dedicated (also unpaid) individual by the name of Mickey Johnson. This is an invaluable resource for every VFX1 user. In fact, it is so good and so well written it is included as a FAQ file on the VFX1 installation disk provided by Forte. But I want to get back to Bob for a moment.
If you buy a VFX1 and then register as an owner with the VFX1 User's Group, Bob will put you on the VFX1 email list. Besides sending you timely notices and helpful tips and tricks for extracting every last ounce of fun and performance out of your system, you'll get one other neat little item. This item is a pre-formatted electronic form which you can fill-out and email to game developers and publishers which basically states that you would appreciate it if they ported their game to support the VFX1. This little brainstorm of an idea has resulted in a plethora of games being compatible with the VFX1 which never would have been had it not been for Bob and the other VFX1 users' efforts . . . er, relentless hounding? Thank you Bob-ster!
And you need not worry about future compatibility or support because Forte once bit is now twice shy about being led down a dead-end hardware standard path. To avoid such problems they now have voting members on the following committees: ACCESS.bus, VESA, IEEE VR, and the USB - go figure! Looks like Forte will see any changes whether they are comin' or goin'.
Bottom Line:
I liked it! It made me sick, but I liked it. If I were the owner of this VFX1 I got to test, I would definitely buy the $300 adapter box. But, like many of you, I will wait until the new and improved model hits the shelves before I invest. On the other hand, before the new ones hit the market the old ones may become cheaper!
In the meantime, if you see me in an on-line flight combat arena, I'll probably not be wearing the VFX1, but if you see me coming after you in a chopper or a Mech Warrior, you'd better run 'cause I'll have my eye on you and it won't be comin' off until your charred remains hit the ground!
Follow up:
Since this article was written, some changes have occurred at Forte. Bryan Klein, Forte's marketing / tech support guy has moved on to Intel. Here's the latest word from Travis Tedesco, our new Forte contact:
"This is the official word on the VFX 3D:
- 640x480x16.7million colors
- Up to 72 Hz refresh rate
- No internal PC card
- Dongle for the VGA output
- Connects to a serial port
- All connections will be made through an external linkbox
- No release date set, but January, 1998 looks likely."
© 1997 - 2000 COMBATSIM.COM, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated July 3rd, 1997