F15E Talon
The TALON is the programmable model in the STRIKE FIGHTER SERIES. The type of programming
utilized by the TALON is called "keyboard emulation", which allows you to easily
transfer ANY keyboard character's game function to ANY button on the TALON.
Programming a fire button takes only seconds. Simply press the button you want to
program on the TALON, then press the appropriate keyboard key. That's it!
The TALON features twelve programmable fire buttons, including a trigger, two thumb-activated fire buttons, a "pinkie-switch", four-way Hat Switch, and four- way Castle Switch. All twelve fire buttons can be programmed with auto-fire if desired. The TALON's built-in memory allows you to store up to four sets of functions for each fire button for a total of 48 commands.
Programming the TALON is optional and is not required to use it. The TALON can also operate as a conventional joystick, compatible with software written to support either a two or four-button joystick. In addition, a switch on the TALON allows you to toggle between "conventional joystick mode" and "keyboard emulation mode", whichever suits you at the moment.
Connecting the TALON is very simple. On the end of the TALON's six foot interface cable are two connectors. One is the industry-standard 15-pin joystick connector which plugs into your gameport (also referred to as a joystick port), which is usually located on either a game card or sound card in your system. The second connector is a pass-through keyboard connector. Both 5-pin DIN and 6-pin mini Din (P/S 2 type) keyboard connectors are included. Simply unplug your keyboard from your PC, plug in the TALONs pass-through connector, then re-connect your keyboard to the TALONs pass-through connector.
For a hands-on review, go to:
Suncom F15E Talon
Until recently SUNCOM could not offer a complete HOTAS system. With the release of the SFS that is not longer the case. And for those who already have the SUNCOM Talon or the CH Force FX, this throttle is the PERFECT addition to complete a HOTAS setup.
This throttle is big, bad and beautiful. It is composed of tough plastic and metal and bristles with switches, hats, buttons and LEDs. It feels great and the base mounts four sticky suction cups so that even if you crank up the tension (default is already stiff enough for me) it still won't crawl around your desk. With ease of programming and plenty of flexibility, this is one BAD throttle! Check out our review:
Strike Fighter Dual Throttle
Suncom's F-15 E RAPTOR Joystick features 4 separate fire buttons; A trigger, two thumb-activated fire buttons, and the "pinkie-switch" are all located on the hand control grip. Each button comes with its own independent auto-fire control. In addition, the RAPTOR has a Castle View Switch that is actually four buttons in one. This view switch is supported by many game programs. The RAPTOR has a Hat Switch that controls Throttle and rudder incrementally.
Last Updated February 3rd, 1998