Last year ago we spoke with James Baker, the Project Manager for DIs coming simulation, Super Hornet. As a follow up to F16 its a natural, and will be competing directly with iMagics coming iF18E Carrier Strike Fighter.
A few months later we spoke to Rod Swift, Managing Director for Digital Integration, and we added new information to the previous interview with
James Baker. The substance of that information indicated that Super Hornet was more in the lineage of Tornado than any other simulation to date. Good news!
Furthermore, Super Hornet will include a fully dynamic campaign system as well as a tactical dimension far beyond F16. (Images in this article include stills from the multimedia introduction as well as older screens from the sim. Please note that Super Hornet has acquired an entirely new graphics engine since this interview.)
CSIM: Why was the F/A 18 chosen as the platform for DIs follow up to f16 FF?
James: The F/A 18 E is a superb plane, with full air to air and ground attack capability, and with the added bonus of being a Navy Plane, allowing us to simulate aircraft carrier landings and takeoff, as well as fleet actions.

Click for larger image.
CSIM: What are the design goals for Super Hornet?
James: To create a high quality flight sim, with the full cockpit implementation, but also concentrating on simulating carrier deck operations, as the game will simulate deck crew operations (with over 15 different types of hand signals) as well as the Fresnel Light Landing System and talkdown.
CSIM: Can you give us an overview of SH, comparing it to other Hornet sims like GSCs Hornet: Korea?
James: Super Hornet has many of the advanced features of Hornet Korea, but many areas which we feel will be an improvement on Hornet Korea. These include:
- Super Hornet based on the E model, Korea is based on older C model
- Super Hornet utilises Direct3D, while Korea runs only on 3Dfx. Korea’s software optimised version has just flat shaded terrain.
- Korea has 1 warzone and a training area while Super Hornet has three warzones and a training area.
- Super Hornet quickstart starts in the air, with a target rich environment and unlimited weapons while F/A-18 Korea instant action still requires the plane to take off and full mastery of the controls
- Super Hornet has a wider range of weapons, including the more modern weapon types like JDAM, SLAM and JSOW.
- Korea has limited articulation of the F18 while Super Hornet F18 model will have full articulation of landing gear, speed brake, flaps and afterburner nozzle. Also include the ALE-50 towed decoy.
- Super Hornet terrain is more detailed, with towns, villages, bridges, industrial facilities included. River & road placement modelled from satellite data.
- Korea has 28 missions and a mission editor, while Super Hornet has a built in mission generator giving unlimited missions, as well as 6 mini campaigns and three full dynamic campaigns. Super Hornet missions also include peripheral action, so that in a normal mission there will be over 60 allied and enemy aircraft in the battle area, and over 200 ground vehicles, SAM and AA.
- Korea has carrier landings and take off on a bare carrier deck, Super Hornet simulates full carrier deck activity, with other planes on deck, taking off and landing, naval crew directing planes on deck and manning the catapults. The Landing Signal Officer is more detailed in Super Hornet
- Korea is severely limited in the number of real time models in game, while Super Hornet has a more complete range of aircraft and ships.

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MM Intro. Click for larger image.
- Korea and Super Hornet have equally detailed avionics, but Super Hornet has mouse support, giving a more handson approach to using the DDI’s and other cockpit instrumentation.
- Korea has limited terrain types, while each warzone in Super Hornet has various terrain types including desert, scrub, forest, snow, rock and tundra. Super Hornet explosions are more detailed.
- Korea network is limited to 4 users in a special network war zone, Super Hornet has the option of up to 16 in head to head, and 4 as cooperative missions in any of the three warzones.
CSIM: Have there been actual military people involved in the production?
James: Yes, and we also use military pilots in testing to increase the accuracy of our flight model.
CSIM: In what areas will SH break new ground?
James: New visuals with dynamic lighting, full deck operations, Mission Generator and a Command/Dynamic Campaign capability.
CSIM: I understand radar modelling has received great attention. How many modes will we have?
James: The following air to air modes are being modelled:
- Range While Search
- Velocity Search
- Track While Scan
- ACM mode including Wide acquisition, Vertical acquisition and Boresight
- Single Target Track
- Auto Acquisition Mode
- Non-Coperative Target Recognition
Air to Ground:
- Real Beam Ground Map
- Sea Surface Search
- Ground Moving Target
- Doppler Beam Sharpened - sector
- Doppler Beam Sharpened – patch
- A/G ranging
- Terrain Avoidance

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CSIM: How will you make this sophisticated simulation accessible to the novice? Are there training missions? If so, how are they laid out?
James: We have the Quickstarts, also a facility to auto design training missions giving an unlimited number. Also the preferences have a facility to select a less complex avionics suite.
CSIM: How much of the manual will be devoted to ACM?
James: D.I. believes in simulating the excitement of ACM within its sims, so a large section of the manual will concentrate on this.
CSIM: Lets talk about the AI. Will AI pilots use the same flight model as the virtual player? Will they have realistic loadouts and weight restrictions?
James: No, they don't use the same flight model. And yes, they will have realistic loadout and weight restrictions.
CSIM: Will AI pilots skill increase over time? Will loss of sight and g force limits be modelled for AI pilots?
James: Pilot skills are variable for the AI models. Loss of sight and g force limits are partially modelled.
CSIM: Mid air refueling has come a long way this past year and looks to be reaching another level in F4. Wil Super Hornet take this on?
James: Unfortunately, no.
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