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iPanzer '44   By Paul Baker
  The Tactical Map

The map feature in iPanzer '44 is very complete and allows you fine control over your forces during the battle. The map displays the battlefield, all friendly units, all known enemy units, phase lines and objective areas. There are many filters and display options. By right clicking on th map or a element / unit, a context sensitive menu will appear. If you right click on the map, you get to general display options and filters. By right clicking on a unit, you get the element / unit orders main menu. This has more nested menus such as Formations, Orders, Tactics, etc. Waypoints can be quick drawn, with one waypoint, or you can set multiple waypoint paths.


The order set is the most complete i have seen. Seems like every good command from every tank game up to now is here. Also every command has a hot key combo for quick access. On the right side of the map display is a clipboard with the current element / unit's data, including just about everything you could think of. This aspect of the sim is very deep and is quite fun to work with. I have just scratched the surface in my description, but if you like plenty of commands and options, you well be very happy discovering all the stuff you can do.


iPanzer '44 has very solid gameplay. The AI is competent, the realism is there, and the design is logical. You can watch the AI behavior very simply. Just start a mission and don't do anything. The company will follow a tactical battle plan based on the mission you choose. If you are on a Probing Attack, let's say, you will see your scout element move out ahead of you main element, and it's supporting element. When contact comes, if it can kill the enemy or delay him, or it will call for artillery, or it will call for the main element to attack, etc. When the Main element moves, the support element will overwatch, then leapfrog. Flanking attacks, ambushes, and the like are all possible.

When played at full realism, against Elite Panzer forces in a T-35, or worse yet, a M4A3 Sherman, the sim forces you to overcome technical disadvantages with tactics in order to win. In fact, each force that is fielded requires a differnet tactical doctrine to win at the higher realism levels. Deep and involving, gameplay is king in this product.

Conclusion and Rating

I think iPanzer '44 is well worth the money I shelled out for it. I am frankly surprised at the level of detail and utility that the design has for simulating general WWII armored conflicts. The program has never crashed, it has tons of options, strives to be ultra-realistic, and is fun and compelling to play. Some may be thrown off by the fact that iMagic is the publisher, or the 'particular' graphic look that the MythOS engine seems to have, but if you can get past that, and especially if you have very fast system, iPanzer '44 can help you understand the tremendous courage and dedication of WWII tank crews,and the technology they used to fight with.

Core Rating; 60-90

I would have to say this is product for the hardcore sim-combatant. But because it has so much flexibility in the realism setting, I gave it range to reflect this. I went to 90 on the high end due to the facts of WWII tank combat. The fact that you had to estimate range using apparent size compared to the mil markings on your gun sight, and the guns were not stabilized and would dip and tilt with the hull, made moving shots very difficult and mostly not possible. Add to this the choice of fighting the Germans superior tanks and guns with Russian or American forces, makes this a real hard sim if you want it to be.

Gameplay; 90

I think gameplay here is super. This where iPanzer shines. There is lots to do, the realism is there, the AI uses sound tactics, and the campaigns are dynamic with many mission types. Also, I like the photo album approach to keep records of your progress. It is great to flip through and see your game personas history, and be able to jump in at any point to create a new path from that point.

Click to continue . . .



Graphics; 75

The simplist models and sluggish frame rate are damaging to my rating here, along with a bit of a rough look. The graphics are serviceable, but it could be a bit prettier. I personally don't find them distracting, but graphics are very subjective. Make your own call, but remember, it's how things move and interact, not what they look like in a screen dump, that creates the immersion quality we all want in our sims. On framerate; I tested on 200mmx 3DFX system (ouch), but I feel that there are similar 3D engines with similar loads, that have faster frame rates. Although, I could be under estimating the work load on the engine.

Sound; 85

Audio is very good throughout. There is some very nice music in the non-3D sections of the sim, and the sound are very good in the sim itself. I like the track noises a lot. You will hear rounds cook off, and secondary explosions, as well as artillery shells and firestorms.

AI; 85

Ai is a tough call. The sim is so configurable as to crew quality and realism, that the AI could be weak but appear strong (your fighting the sim as opposed to the enemy). But I have seen my side and the enemy use sound tactics, and that in it's self is impressive. I think to judge the AI better, it would be necessary to never use the map, or jump tanks, or use outside views or things like that (get rid of the informational advantage).

User Interface / Map Interface; 95

The best so far in a tank sim (i will be flamed of couse). Every possible control, gads of options, several ways of doing the same thing, mouse-joysitck-keyboard enabled, etc. Very logical keyboard layout, with a duplicate mouse or keyboard menu system, every turret-hull-TC facing combination has a key, and some very smart controls, like Halt (key H). Hit 'H' and the driver comes to a fast stop, and holds for about two seconds, then continues with his orders, perfect for getting off a shot then scooting.

Fun Factor; 85

Yep. Fun, fun, fun. I give it a 85 for fun, because you can set it up to work like an arcade game in just one mode of play, say instant action, and someone (your girl say) who hates complex games, can sit down and kill some tanks 'Quake' style pretty painlessly. Also, it never crashed (although it doesn't like to switch programs, I don't consider this a game-play bug). Everything pretty much works, the manual matches the game, and it feels solid. That makes it fun in my book.

Learning Curve; 8-24 hours

Well, you could actually be playing in about two hours on low realism, but if you go full realism, you have to estimate range with the mil etchings on the gun sight, and the three nations use different etching schemes! Thats some serious manual study time there. And to fight effectively, you need to learn the characteristics of each kind of shell, and the penetration figures for different armor thicknesses. Then there is the tactical map and all the element and company orders, so I think 24 hours on the high end is maybe a little optimistic.

Overall; 85

I like this sim. I would give it a 90, or should I say I will consider giving it a 90, if one thing happens. The readme file mentions a multiply patch that 'may' become availible. There is a graphic for this on the main interface screen, but I don't know for sure if iMagic or Charybdis will implement this feature. If this feature does become availible, and it works as well as the rest of the product, I would be very interested to play the sim online. The nature of WWII gunner would make it a supreme test of skill when played with full realism, and would allow close range dogfights that just don't happen in a modern armored combat sim. Regardless, this product works as advertized, has few if any bugs, is realistic, and has many play options. A good deal in my book.

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Last Updated May 10th, 1998

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