Fox Two Pro by Thor "Slamer" Jorgenson |
Introduction A few months back COMBATSIM.COM hosted a small preview of Fox Two by James Hallows, a new freeware Thrustmaster programming utility. Knowing that James was developing a major new version, Fox Two Pro, we decided to wait until it was released before embarking on a full blown review.Now that the time has come, it's time to look at this new version in detail. And for those of you reading this review, who are trying to decide on whether to splash out and get hold of the Pro version, let me tell you straight off: Fox Two Pro is stunning! If you thought Fox Two was good, you'll fall in love with the Pro version. This is in a different class altogether. In this review there are several comments from correspondence I've had with James regarding Fox Two Pro. His comments appear like this. Thrustmaster and its software If you're new to Thrustmaster joysticks, or the programming of them, let me repeat some of the things I said in the earlier preview of Fox Two. There are many hardcore simmers out there who'll tell you, rightly or wrongly, that the only way to experience true realistic HOTAS is with hands on Thrustmaster (TM) controllers. There's no doubting that they're gorgeous pieces of kit.But a glance at any review or threads in the newsgroups reveals a common theme: these controllers have an associated steep learning curve when it comes to developing the files needed to get the most out of them. And this isn't made any easier by the fact that the software that comes with them uses a DOS interface - which has yet to be ported out to Windows and supported consistently by TM. For the price of these controllers, and in this day and age where non Windows interfaces are few and far between, this seems to be an incredulous situation. ![]() This year however, a newcomer entered the scene, namely Fox Two by Dr. James Hallows, which does the exact opposite: it maintains a text based interface throughout, whilst providing GUI support. Although it's only been on the programming scene for some six or so months now, it now commands a substantial following from the TM simming community. With the newly released Professional version, I have no doubt that it will become the app of choice for practically all TM owners. The CD arrives ... The first feelings you're going to experience when you get your Fox Two Pro CD (and believe me - you will!) is somewhere along the lines of "Wow!" I've never before commented on packaging/CD labels but this deserves a mention. I won't spoil the suprise for you, but let me just say that for a CD created by a single individual in his own home, is this guy wasted on dentistry or what?The next thing you'll notice is when you put the CD in your machine - nothing happens - there's no autorun information on the CD that makes it loadup some app - which may initially suprise you as the first thing you'll want to do is to install the software. However, there's a very good reason for this. Fox Two Pro is not the only file on the CD. A quick look in Explorer shows that there's a massive 148MB of files on the CD. Don't worry - Fox Two Pro hasn't grown that much. Most of this is a HUGE library of superb high quality images as well as Mystic's Six Degrees of Freedom - more on these aspects later. As users are likely to be putting this CD in and out of their machines regularly, James thankfully opted not to have any autorun information on the CD. "Don't you find it annoying when you want to get a file off a CD you've just put into your drive, and some app then spends a minute or so launching itself all the time? Yes, the user could turn off AutoInsert notification, but I don't think it should be the developers forcing that on a user. Once you've installed Foxy, and run through the tutorials, the likelihood is that you're going to get damned annoyed with me if everytime you put the CD into your drive, your browser loads up to read the html information on the CD.". All the information on the CD is in HTML format, which makes sense given that everyone purchases it via the net. Leaving the contents of the CD aside for now, the installation consists of copying the self extracting exe file from the CD onto your hard disk, unzipping its contents and installing it from there, as per the previous version of Foxy. "The reason why I had to do this was because of the way long filenames that are compressed in an executable setup routine are handled, when the CD is written. They become corrupted, so I had to zip them up first, and then place the zipped up package on the CD. There are actually two of these zipped up files on the CD, just in case one of them should give the user any problems. They shouldn't do, because I test out each CD and extract the files from it before I ship it. But it's there just in case." Installation was no problem, and I was up and running straight away. Let's take a look at the software then. |
The Fox Two Pro approach As I've mentioned before, James's approach to TM programming is via a text based interface. This is supplemented with graphical components should you require the extra help in programming your controllers. I think this is an important point to make here. James doesn't try to force upon you a style or method which you have to use to develop your files with. It's entirely up to you. All the extra components are there to assist you, but if you don't need them, that's fine - they remain hidden away. When he set about developing Fox Two, James constantly listened to users suggestions and in the Pro version, you'll see that they're implemented fully. As I said in my earlier preview of Fox Two, he went out of his way to explain that Fox Two, (or Foxy as he tends to refer to it correspondence), isn't just his program. Rather, it is there to be developed from everyone's ideas, so that he can put together an app that everyone wants. Indeed, there are many parts of this program that several users can point to and say "that was one of my suggestions." What really hits you about this program, aside from its simplicity and user friendliness is this: It's a program that from the outset firmly establishes an impression of experience - a program that's come about from a dedicated and experienced Thrustmaster user who clearly saw that there was a great need for a dedicated text based interface. And with the Pro version, I cannot see what features could possibly be added to enhance it. Without a doubt, this is the most complete TM programming app that you'll ever use. Let's take a look then at the main interface - ie. the Editor. The Editor![]() Click for a larger image Fox Two Pro is based around a powerful dedicated text editor, which forms the main interface. Actually, it's two independent text editors, one for the joystick file and one for the macro file. In the above image, I've tiled them so that you can see both - or you can view them independantly via their tabs. When a file is loaded, it is colour highlighted, making it much easier to read. This colour highlighting is fully customisable, and users who requested that they be able to change the default text colours independently for both files can now do so. "I was actually very reluctant to include this feature when it was suggested, as the amount of work it took to change this was phenomenal. However, I'm glad I did, because although it's a feature I don't use (I prefer black text), I went through all the routines that insert coloured text and found a much better way of doing this, which resulted in much tighter code for all routines involving coloured text throughout Foxy (which is practically all of them!)". To the left of the editors, is the macro list. This contains all the macros extracted from the macro file, not only in one long list, but also subdivided into the macro headings given in the macro file. The advantage of this is that it makes it so much easier to locate and insert macros into the joystick file. Beside each macro is a box, which when ticked indicates those macros that have been allocated in the joystick file already - what a brilliant idea! Below the macro list, are buttons for the slash modifiers allowing easy insertion of the common slash modifiers. To complete the editor, there are dedicated menus, toolbar and status bar, so Windows users will feel quite at home. You'll notice in the image above that the toolbar and menus have grown somewhat in the Pro version, and reflects the increased features as well as a more standard menu layout shared by all Microsoft apps. Using the Editor Programming with the editor alone is very simple, as being a text editor, you can just type away as one would do normally in Notepad. Beginners will love Foxy, as there are wizards to help you get into programming these controllers straight away. These are brilliantly written with a lot of humor, and you won't find a clearer explaination of how to get going anywhere. As one user put it: "Wow, 10 minutes into the wizards... I like made simple b50s and m50s already... wow... still stunned..." These wizards proved to be so popular that James has added six more increasing your knowledge gradually, including pretty advanced topics such as Raw code and Logical programming, and there's really no excuse anymore for anybody not to be writing their own files. Everything in Foxy is definitely geared towards helping new users understand all aspects of TM files. For example, if there's a statement you don't understand in a file, you only need to highlight it, press F1, and you're taken straight to that topic in the help file which will explain, again with James's unmistakeable humor, what that statement means. It's very slick. Goto part II![]() |
© 1997 - 2000 COMBATSIM.COM, INC. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated October 16th, 1998 |